Green Tea

Sanjivani Tea
5 min readSep 14, 2021


The Ultimate Guide To Green Tea: Benefits And Recipe

Packaged Green Tea Bags

Tea is one of the most widely used beverages on the planet. It is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and is consumed as green, black, or Oolong tea in various regions of the world.

However, of all of them, the drinking of green tea has had the most significant effects on human health.

If anything good has happened to humanity, it is green tea, which is full of benefits, burns not only calories but also relaxes a tense mind.

Though green, black, and oolong teas are made from the same Camellia sinensis plant, they are made in different ways. Green tea is made by steaming, pan-frying, and drying the plant’s leaves. It is mostly consumed in Asia, North Africa, the United States, and Europe.

Green tea has many benefits, from reducing blood pressure to preventing cancer. You have certainly heard a lot about the health advantages of green tea and how it’s high in antioxidants and nutrients that are good for both your body and mind.

In this article, you’ll learn about green tea’s health advantages and side effects, as well as its recipe and how to consume it to get the most out of it.

Let’s get started!

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea was traditionally used to stop bleeding and treat wounds, help digestion, promote heart and brain health, and regulate body temperature in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine.

Green tea has been shown in studies to help with weight loss, liver diseases, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions.

Let’s have a detailed look at the benefits of Green Tea.

Green Tea May Help In Weight Loss

According to various studies, the catechins and caffeine in green tea can boost metabolism, which may lead to weight loss.

A study found that daily consumption of green tea can positively affect body composition, particularly abdominal fat mass.

May Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes in recent decades has become more common. Elevated blood sugar levels are a symptom of type 2 diabetes, caused by insulin resistance or an inability to make insulin. Green tea has been shown in trials to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

A study in Japanese individuals revealed that those who drank Green tea the most had a 42 percent decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Green Tea Improves Mental Alertness

Mental alertness is one of the most well-known benefits of green tea. Green tea’s caffeine level is linked to this short-term effect.

Green tea contains just enough caffeine to wake you up without causing the anxiety and jitters that come with higher-caffeine products like coffee.

Green Tea Helps In Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, are one of the major causes of worldwide death.

Green tea has been shown in a study to improve several of the primary risk factors for these diseases, such as improving total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

According to a research of 40,530 Japanese adults, Participants who drank more than five cups of green tea per day had a 26 percent reduced risk of death from a heart attack or stroke and a 16 percent lower risk of death from all causes than those who drank less than one cup per day.

According to another study, moderate tea drinkers had a lower risk of cardiovascular events and a slower progression of coronary artery calcium.

Side Effects Of Green Tea

Green tea is generally regarded as one of the safest and healthiest beverages to drink.

However, there are a few things to bear in mind when drinking Green tea.

When drunk in excessive dosages or for an extended period, green tea is POSSIBLY UNSAFE.

Green tea’s caffeine content may induce adverse effects if consumed in large quantities. The majority of these negative effects impact people who are caffeine or tannin sensitive.

The side effects include headache, nervousness, sleep problems, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, tremor, heartburn, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and convulsions.


Green Tea Recipe With Tea Leaves

Step 1: To begin brewing the Green Tea Recipe, fill a saucepan with 1 cup of water and boil it over high heat.

Step 2: Turn off the heat after the water begins to boil and add one teaspoon of green tea leaves.

Step 3: For a minute, keep it covered.

Step 4: Pour the green tea into the cup after straining it.

Step 5: Add honey to taste (just as a sweetener; you can leave it out entirely), swirl it together and serve.

Green Tea Recipe With Tea Bags

Step 1: In a stainless steel pot, heat the water. Make sure it doesn’t reach a boiling point.

Step 2: In a cup, place the green tea bag.

Step 3: Fill the cup with boiling water and cover with a small lid. Allow 3 minutes for steeping.

Step 4: Remove the cover and the tea bag after the 3 minutes are up.

Step 5: Give it a good stir with a spoon and take a refreshing sip!

FAQs About Green Tea

Q: How many cups of green tea should I drink in a day?
A: You should limit yourself to 3–4 cups of green tea per day.

Q: When is the best time to drink Green tea?
A: Green tea must be drunk in between meals to fully benefit from its antioxidant properties. It means that you should drink it at least two hours before and two hours after your meal. Start your day with a cup of green tea, and then drink another cup before your meal.

Q: How Can I develop a taste for green tea?
A: In the beginning, try flavored green tea or iced green tea. Then, gradually increase your intake of green tea without any extra flavoring. Continue to drink flavored green tea if you still don’t like the taste.

Q: Why does drinking green tea make me feel nauseous?
A: It’s most likely due to the caffeine in green tea. Caffeine can induce a variety of side effects, including nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety, and diarrhea. To avoid nausea, add a few drops of lemon or 1/6 teaspoon of clove powder to your green tea.

Final Words

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages on the planet for a reason. It offers a huge range of health benefits, and drinking just one cup a day can help improve overall health.

Consider making green tea a regular part of your life so that you can feel better, lose weight, and lower your risk of chronic diseases.



Sanjivani Tea

The finest teas of India, enriching people’s lives with exceptional taste and aroma.